AMG Kernel - Virtual Nature of Changing Dollar-Driven Sentiment Values - POC
AMG Kernel originates, projects, and scales calculable personal visualizations of changing values and sentiment with trusted market data:
AMG Kernel structures continuous data fields of market asset levels and flows to model templated analytics of continuous values that visualize unique signals of the nature of changing sentiment in Financial and non-Financial dimensions.
The market data visualizations are a proxy for changing investor sentiment and template 'Section 28(e)' safe harbor research overlays of fundamental data to non-Financial structures, (Media, Tech, Social, Determinative....), where change and sentiment are also relevant and meaningful.
The market sentiment analytic metaphor visualizes asset changes in filings submitted to the primary source of trusted dollar-driven data, and templates unique and personal interactive calculable projections of changing economic values-
Two value vectors of sentiment, investment (real) and invested (expected) are dimensionalized in the continuous asset data and render interactive templates that signal a cognitive awareness of how values are mathematically changing to quantitatively True the visualizations:
s3://valuevector1 - Retail and Professional cash demand for securities visualized in open-end mutual fund (including ETF) net investment flow metadata describes how real market sentiment is changing; detailed and aggregated. (Template Dash)
s3://valuevector2 - Professional market demand for securities visualized portfolio asset, price, and share filings submissions by investment management companies. The data describe changing ownership asset and share levels and flows (Template Demo).
s3://valuevector3,4.... - Learning templates
Interactive dashboards visualize a metaphor for change in data vectors of market demand that apply quantitative measures of value to qualitative notions of sentiment.
A private connection secures interactive dashboard visualizations of data submissions ( -> Asset Levels/Flows, Securities, Portfolios).
The analytics address three questions about changing market sentiment data: "How much? How many? How fast?"
Visualizations signal insights about changing sentiment in SEC.GOV portfolio filing data, and mutual fund net flow (including ETF) metadata.
The secure private connection facilitates:
Public/private cloud access to individual SEC filings (1993-2025YTD); prepared and transformed for visual analyses.
Templates of Asset Levels and Share - $(000) Flow data
Visualize data sets of financial market filings: Corporate Changes and Professional Portfolio Changes.
Tableau Dashboards or AWS Quicksight Author-Reader Dashboards visualize sentiment templating trusted value data sourced in SEC submissions augmenting AWS Sagemaker, eg.
Access to 40 million SEC filings in 300+ form types residing in AWS S3 Object Storage (Local/Cloud); transformed to populate a table per fixed interval [Access to ETF data daily, unified in flexible intraday tic by tic intervals], and distributed in a structured format for unique Fiduciary visualization research.
Templated dashboards are prepared for a seamless connection to popular and emerging BI visualization software like AWS QuickSight and Tableau CRM+ AWS SageMaker, etc.
The market data is transformed for visualization using AWS QuickSight, Tableau Desktop, private label and ad hoc market data visualization platforms.
Example Template Visualization Mechanisms - Visual & Verbal Dimensional Descriptions - Capital Asset Metaphor:
Investor Fund Flow Paradigm - Investor Fund Flows Dashboard Template Visualization: (1,2,3)
1) Visualize Changing Mutual and ETF Fund Flow metadata - FundFlows Viz Descriptions: (1), (2), (3)
Securitized Asset Levels Paradigm - Asset Levels Template Viz A
2) Visualize Changing Asset Level data - Asset Levels Viz Description - A
Securitized Asset Flows Paradigm - Asset Flows Template Viz B
3) Visualize Changing Asset Flow data - Asset Flows Viz Description - B
Securitized Share Flows Paradigm - Share Flows Template Viz C
4) Visualize Changing Share Flow data - Share Flows Viz Description - C
Local, Cloud, or Hybrid Options for independent VPN strategies
Define and sustain a search by interactively setting rules, alerts, and ranges of actions when a signal is identified.
The data are visualized along dimensional ids, enhanced by the software marking systems that articulate the measures; size, shape, color, position, orientation, then define what graphics are possible within constraints limiting evolving software; or templated for authorship and consumed by a wide range of subscribers for interactive, unique, and personal research that originates calculable visualizations of changing values and sentiment data in SEC filings.
Templates visualize and signal an awareness of How dimensional change is occurring with three common asks put to the continuous data: How much? How many? How Fast?
Dashboard mechanisms facilitate dollar-driven capital market sentiment data analytics for alternative vectors of change - or 'whatever' mediums of exchange.
Interactive 'Etch-a-Sketch' tool for dimensional analytics of trusted data values visualizes changing sentiment.