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The AMG Kernel computes Financial market sentiment and templates the truthful continuous data that are at the forefront of change.
Regulated Financial data approaching 100 million SEC EDGAR filings - choose output in any general format.
The market sentiment data are transformed for analytics (AWS, Tableau,....) that learn How relevant and important capital values are changing..
The EDGAR filings changes are embedded in structured periods of change: annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily;
and intraday fixed or flexible intervals of action:
The Financial market data reside in object storage (AWS cloud data buckets, eg.):
Fiduciaries unify their unique market demand research with interactive and actionable dashboard templates of value.
Fiduciaries identify overlays that discover qualitative notions of value in Financial sentiment vectors of change, and template non-Financial sentiment vectors, where learning the causal manifestations of change are also relevant and important (media, tech, social, determinative....).
Multidimentional 'etch-a-sketch' prototype originates in Truthful EDGAR Subsets of Hundreds of Form Types for Thousands of Corporations reporting Continuous Regulated Market Core Integer Data.