A signal is a useful calculable (structured) relationship between an understanding and a question that forms an answer. - Few, Stephen C., Signal 2015, Analytics Press

The AMG Kernel models 3 Questions about the visual nature of changing trusted Financial data:

The Kernel visualizes integer relationships between shared understandings and common questions about structured change, and formalizes truthful answers.

The application connects regulated continuous EDGAR data that are at the forefront of change.

The data are visualized on interactive dashboard templates of open-end fund asset (including ETF) and portfolio data vectors of sentiment.

Each template applies quantitative measures of value to qualitative notions of sentiment that are visualized as signals - to train unique and personal 'etchings' that learn how relevant sentiment is changing.

EDGAR filings accessed at https://SEC.gov are continuous data that are visualized in cash and securitized asset value vectors of real and expected sentiment.

The algorithmic interactive tool applies shared understandings of continuous dollar-driven Capital market demand data values, to train visualizations of regulated asset levels and flows that signal a truthful, cogent, and solipsistic awareness of how sentiment is also changing in determinative non-Financial dimensions, where important questions about change and value are relevant and matter.

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